鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才
DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent […]
DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent […]
DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of
With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive
You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with
智造未來工廠系列:CIM篇章 AI芯趨勢:智慧工廠進化論 隨著AI應用、AI PC和GPU技術迅速升級,AI伺服器需求激增,半導體產業迎來蓬勃發展。本次鼎華智能研討會,將針對企業面對供不應求的訂單和激烈競爭,如何掌握智能工廠CIM架構,同時推動綠色製造和ESG永續轉型,保持競爭力。 備註:因凱米颱風影響活動延期至8/30號舉辦,原報名7/26之企業客戶將由專人協助重新報名。 >>>名額有限,立即報名