Course Activities

DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and

【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰
With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable

You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會
數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving

8/30 AI芯趨勢:智慧工廠進化論研討會
智造未來工廠系列:CIM篇章 AI芯趨勢:智慧工廠進化論 隨著AI應用、AI PC和GPU技術迅速升級,AI伺服器需求激增,半導體產業迎來蓬勃發展。本次鼎華智能研討會,將針對企業面對供不應求的訂單和激烈競爭,如何掌握智能工廠CIM架構,同時推動綠色製造和ESG永續轉型,保持競爭力。 備註:因凱米颱風影響活動延期至8/30號舉辦,原報名7/26之企業客戶將由專人協助重新報名。 >>>名額有限,立即報名

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表
智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a

Altair 鼎華智能 Technology Conference Taiwan 2023 台北智慧製造
Register for the Altair Technology Conference 2023 Now! ➤ Register Now In today’s rapidly evolving digital era, the rise of AI technology is redefining the future of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE).

供應鏈大師開講 洞悉國際大廠評核企業競爭力 從全球頂尖供應鏈典範學習 高效敏捷生產循環與資安守禦
Beneath the allure of large orders from major manufacturers lie significant uncertainties and risks. Addressing these requires a comprehensive approach encompassing operational strategy and planning, production and manufacturing, and supply

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 2策略讓換線不再耗時又耗力!|換模換線耗工又無法不換?你可以這樣做! Impact of Downtime: Damaged Workpieces, Order Delays, Equipment Malfunctions. Strategies for Improving Changeover Efficiency Include: ✅ Small Lot/High Mix Production ✅ Quality Assurance/Control ✅ Rolling

跨時代的共同軌跡 展望未來 智造永續 全球競合下的企業戰略與思維 鼎華智能 2023 iMES老客年度晚宴
Since the establishment of Amtek Technology by ITRI in 1995, the technical team has leveraged its comprehensive and flexible systems and integration expertise to help leading clients across various industries

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 工廠管理第一步_產線透明化與他的3大影響 Three key challenges confront the manufacturing industry: difficulty in controlling order lead times, inability to shorten delivery cycles, and the need for more granular production

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 生產履歷追溯,滿足客戶要求 What challenges does the SMT electronic assembly industry face? With the maturity of hardware technology and the widespread adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things

搶占新能源車市場 車用供應鏈掌握現場透明 快速因應市場瞬息變化
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 搶占新能源車市場 車用供應鏈掌握現場透明 快速因應市場瞬息變化 Net-zero emissions initiatives are driving exponential growth in the electric vehicle (EV) market. To meet the surge in global automotive demand, supply chains

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 【邁向淨零碳排的實踐路徑】執行:製程-改善製造耗能 Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero emission pathway and strategy require businesses to reposition themselves, addressing numerous decarbonization challenges and directions faced by the manufacturing sector, including green

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 人臉辨識精準報工,有效掌握人員績效 Faced with the confluence of the pandemic, labor shortages, and material scarcity, businesses are compelled to accelerate their transformation. Many enterprises, confronting these transformational challenges,

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 從刀具管理去縮短製造週期 From R&D and production to sales and internal operations, businesses are inextricably linked to data management. When smart manufacturing is no longer just rhetoric, when

如何透過機聯網 縮短生產週期 提高稼動及良率
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 如何透過機聯網 縮短生產週期 提高稼動及良率 By deeply integrating IT and OT, businesses can discern data insights and opportunities, thereby grasping emerging trends. Data Systems Consulting, in collaboration with

透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼 In today’s competitive market, success hinges on the ability to rapidly dispose of excess inventory. Meeting increasingly shorter and fluctuating customer lead times requires

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 人臉辨識精準報工,有效掌握人員績效 Faced with the pressing challenges of the pandemic, labor shortages, and material scarcity, businesses are compelled to accelerate their transformation. Many companies, facing transformational challenges,

Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 人臉辨識精準報工,有效掌握人員績效 Faced with the pressing challenges of the pandemic, labor shortages, and material scarcity, businesses are compelled to accelerate their transformation. Many companies are actively seeking

IT+OT數據驅動 雙核引領智能工廠高效應變
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk IT+OT數據驅動 雙核引領智能工廠高效應變 The PCB industry, serving as the backbone of electronic components and often referred to as the “mother of electronics,” faces increasing challenges in order

透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼 As the global pandemic gradually subsides and lockdowns ease, economies are beginning to recover, and consumer demand is strengthening. The electronics industry was expected

半導體先驅 邁向無人工廠全自動案例分享
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 半導體先驅 邁向無人工廠全自動案例分享 The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy. In contrast, the semiconductor market has experienced a surge in demand driven by 5G, laptops, and

透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼 With the global pandemic gradually easing and countries successively lifting lockdowns, the economy is rebounding, and consumer demand is booming. The electronics industry was

疫情新常態下 製造業如何有效運營產能不中斷
Smart Manufacturing Expert Talk 疫情新常態下 製造業如何有效運營產能不中斷 Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan, the sudden turbulence has brought even greater uncertainty. In addition to implementing responsive operational measures, businesses must