Smart Manufacturing -
A Comprehensive Navigator
Reduce Costs, Increase Efficiency, Improve Quality, Reduce Inventory, and Create Innovative Competitive Advantages

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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰
數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會
智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表
Altair 鼎華智能 Technology Conference Taiwan 2023 台北智慧製造
Deeply Rooted in the Industry
A smart manufacturing leader with a complete solution
Digihua has more than 27 years of experience in production scheduling and manufacturing execution systems. With a deep focus on Taiwan, a strong presence in Mainland China, and a reach across the Asia-Pacific region, we concentrate on intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet of Things applications. We have implemented our solutions in over 1800 discrete manufacturing enterprises and have received positive feedback and support from over 180 semiconductor customers, achieving more than 36 intelligent demonstration bases across the Asia-Pacific region.
Complete Industry Solutions
Digihua possess complete industry solutions, leading enterprises to quickly embrace intelligent interconnected applications.
▶ Comprehensively Improve Process Control and Quality ◀
Facing global changes in the semiconductor industry, Mainland China, South Korea, and Taiwan will still be the top three semiconductor equipment markets in the world. How can semiconductor enterprises recognize their weaknesses and break through and respond to internal and external challenges and opportunities in a timely manner?
▶ Smart manufacturing solutions for industrial computer and network communication industries ◀
Build a transparent manufacturing site through smart manufacturing solutions; propose optimal production plans to improve corporate production scheduling and enhance production efficiency.
▶ Smart Manufacturing Solutions for Industrial Computers and Network Communications Industries ◀
Through smart manufacturing solutions, we construct a transparent manufacturing site, propose the optimal production plan, and improve enterprise scheduling to enhance production efficiency.

Successful Cases

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