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Brand News 品牌新聞

鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The sMES system will be a valuable asset for teaching and research, marking the beginning of ...
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2024 _en


DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of the AI market, presenting compelling case studies and proven solutions for achieving successful smart factory ...
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2024 _en

【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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2024 _en


You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading to frequent fluctuations in orders – from sudden surges to critical shortages. This creates a ...
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2024 _en

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, supply chain integration, and intelligent scheduling to boost production efficiency and navigate the complexities of ...
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2023 _en

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing from information technology, data monitoring, IoT, and network technologies to diverse and integrated data analytics ...
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製造執行系統(MES)的出現是現代製造業追求更高效、精確生產的必然產物。半導體行業作為高科技產業的代表之一,更是積極應用MES系統以提升生產效率,降低成本,並提供更高品質的產品。本文將深入探討半導體MES系統的行業優勢,從主動管理、企業透明度、持續改進、品牌風險降低到利潤空間提升等多個方面進行分析。 主動管理和品質控制 半導體MES系統的全球標準化運營為企業帶來了主動管理和品質控制的顯著優勢。透過現代MES,企業可以快速、靈活地進行系統配置,無需自定義編碼即可實現全球及本地的一致運營標準。這一特點有助於降低生產成本,提高生產品質,實現更加高效的管理。 提高企業透明度 半導體行業中,MES系統提供了其他管理系統難以匹敵的企業透明度。這一透明度使企業能夠實現有效的數據關聯和跨設備分析。由於生產企業的各個環節可能分佈在不同地區,MES系統對完整產品系譜的全程數據追蹤提供了關鍵性支持,有助於迅速理解產品需求,為企業制定明智的決策提供支持。 真正的持續改進 半導體行業過去常常在多個不同設備上使用自主研發的製造執行系統,導致生產管理困擾。現代MES系統統一了這些不同系統,為企業的生產變革和持續改進提供了統一的基礎平臺。這種統一使得不合格品管理與產品管理相結合,並建立了跨站點的回饋回路,從而推動整個企業的生產改進。 降低品牌風險 現代MES系統有力地幫助半導體行業生產商降低品牌風險。隨著客戶需求的增加,生產商面臨更高的生產要求,如更快的反應時間和更好的靈活性。MES系統提供了滿足這些需求的平臺,有效提高了品牌的競爭力。相比之下,傳統系統往往以提高品牌風險為代價,依賴技術基礎。 提高利潤空間 半導體行業透過現代MES系統實現了明顯的利潤提升。當半導體企業為所有設施配備MES以降低總成本時,其利潤空間也隨之擴大。現代MES系統提供軟體配置而非編碼的平臺架構,有效降低了執行時間和非必要的維護,從而降低了工程變更和線路重置的成本。 總結 半導體MES系統作為半導體行業實現現代化、提升效能的得力工具,不僅為企業帶來了主動管理、透明度、改進的機會,還有降低品牌風險和提高利潤空間的優勢。隨著科技的不斷發展,半導體行業在全球經濟體系中的地位日益重要,而MES系統則成為實現這種重要性的不可或缺的一部分。 在未來,半導體MES系統的應用將更為普遍,因為企業意識到它所帶來的多重優勢。這不僅體現在提高生產效率和降低成本方面,更是在不斷追求品質優化和提升品牌競爭力的過程中。企業將通過MES系統實現生產過程的數字化轉型,加速數據的收集和分析,從而更靈活地應對市場變化。 總的來說,半導體MES系統的行業優勢體現在多個方面,為企業提供了有效的管理工具,幫助其在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出。這不僅關係到單一企業的競爭力,更涉及到整個半導體行業的發展方向。未來,隨著技術的進步和MES系統的不斷升級,半導體行業將迎來更為精細化、智能化的生產管理,進一步提升整體效能。 因此,對於半導體行業的企業來說,選擇並合理應用MES系統是實現可持續發展的必經之路。這將不僅是為了滿足當前的生產需求,更是為了在未來的市場變革中保持競爭力。半導體MES系統的優勢已經顯而易見,只有充分發揮其功能,企業才能在變幻莫測的商業環境中立於不敗之地。
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智慧工廠定義是什麼?探索未來製造業的核心 在進入21世紀的數位浪潮中,「智慧工廠」這個詞彙不斷地在製造業界中迴盪。它象徵著一種創新與效率的結合,為製造業帶來革命性的轉變。那麼,智慧工廠究竟是什麼呢?它如何成為未來製造業的核心? (一)智慧工廠的基本概念與特點 智慧工廠,顧名思義,是指運用智慧化的技術與系統,以達成更高效率、更佳品質和更靈活的製造過程。這樣的工廠不僅僅是機械和人力的結合,而是一個融合了先進的資訊技術、自動化技術和數據分析的綜合體。它的核心特點包括: 數據驅動:智慧工廠透過收集大量數據,對生產流程進行深入分析,從而優化製造過程。 自動化與機器人技術:自動化設備和機器人在智慧工廠中扮演著重要角色,它們能夠提高生產效率,減少人工錯誤。 靈活生產:智慧工廠能夠快速響應市場需求的變化,實現小批量、多樣化的生產。 智慧決策:透過先進的分析工具,智慧工廠可以進行更加精準的預測和決策。 (二)智慧工廠與傳統製造業的區別 智慧工廠與傳統製造業的最大區別,在於其對技術的應用深度和範圍。在傳統製造業中,生產流程多依賴人工操作與簡單機械,而智慧工廠則是一個高度整合資訊技術和自動化技術的系統。這種差異帶來了以下幾個方面的變革: 生產效率:智慧工廠通過自動化和優化流程,大幅提升了生産效率。 品質控制:透過精密的數據分析和即時監控,智慧工廠能夠確保產品品質的一致性和可靠性。 客製化生產:智慧工廠能夠更靈活地應對市場的多元需求,提供客製化的產品。 環境友好:智慧工廠通過節能減排和高效利用資源,展現了對環境保護的承諾。 重點整理: 智慧工廠代表了製造業的未來,它透過高度整合的技術,不僅提升了生產效率和品質,還為企業帶來了更大的靈活性和競爭力。這種轉型不僅是對單一工廠的改造,而是整個製造業鏈的革新,從原料採購到產品出貨,每一個環節都被重新定義。 智慧工廠的組成為何?關鍵要素解析 智慧工廠作為製造業未來的代表,其組成結構豐富且複雜。了解智慧工廠的關鍵要素對於掌握這一新興製造模式至關重要。智慧工廠之所以能夠顛覆傳統製造業模式,關鍵在於它所融合的核心技術與組件。這些技術和組件不僅提高了生產效率和靈活性,還增強了產品質量和製造過程的可持續性。 (一)智慧工廠的核心技術與組件 智慧工廠的核心在於它的技術架構,這包括了一系列先進的技術和組件。以下是智慧工廠不可或缺的幾大要素: 物聯網 (IoT) 技術:物聯網在智慧工廠中扮演著核心角色。它通過將製造設備、機器人和各種感測器連接起來,實現數據的即時收集和交換,從而優化製造過程。 大數據分析與雲計算:智慧工廠透過大數據分析,從海量數據中提取有價值的信息,以便於進行更精確的決策。雲計算則為數據的儲存和分析提供了強大的支持。 人工智慧 ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

記者蔡佩曼/雲林報導鼎華智能系統股份有限公司今(1)日贈一套值約新台幣580萬元之「sMES」給該國立虎尾科技大學工業管理系並於虎尾科大貴賓室辦理贈儀式,「sMES」系統將有利於教學研究使用,雙方並持續產學合作交流.共同培育智慧生產領域菁英。經濟部因應國內智慧製造發趨勢與人才需要,於2016年建立i產能定.虎尾科大工業管理系為「智慧生產工程師」能力鑑定認同校.設有術考試場所.及精實智慧製造實驗室培訓域。並針對智慧生產專業人才進行培育,導入產業合作教學策略,培養學生成為跨領域智慧生產人才。虎尾科技大學說明,此次捐贈由虎尾科大工業管理系副教授李引薦,由鼎華智能總經理嚴子翔代表鼎華智能無償捐贈「sMES_系聚於智慧製造與工業互聯網,助產業生產過程數位化、網路化及智慧化:運用於教學現場,可增工管系課程接軌產業智慧化。虎尾科技大學校長張信良表示.鼎華智能為輔助高科技或傳統製造業在生產排程、製造執行及品質管理之產品與技術發展之公司,應用層面包含半導體、電子組裝、五加工、汽配、塑膠製品等行業.提供企業數位轉型所需之軟硬體基礎建設,協助企業完善在生產運營管理數位化、智能化的推進。虎尾科大秉持「取之於社會、用之於社會」的理念,携手企業共實踐社會責任·校長張信良並邀請鼎華智能成為產學合作夥伴,以輔導「sMES」製造執行系統學生實操作,深化學生產業製造管理之專業技術,共同培育跨領域智慧生產人才,加速產業創新。原文網址:鼎華智能sMES贈虎科大全培育跨領域智慧人才|ETtoday地方新聞|ETtoday新聞 us: @ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebooke相關連結
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鼎華智能作為全球前兩大PCB板廠的首選數位化轉型專家,擁有近30年PCB和半導體產業智能製造的輔導經驗。 本次研討會將深入剖析PCB業者如何突破AI市場挑戰,為您帶來智能工廠轉型再造的成功案例與最佳解決方案。   【精彩議程】 《趨勢研究》川普2.0、AI浪潮下的台灣PCB趨勢解析 《智能專家》智造轉型實踐智能工廠新藍圖 《客戶站台》厚銅電路板龍頭數位化歷程分享 《排程專家》智排程APS助力邁向AI市場新藍海  
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

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敬邀參加10月18日 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】線上研討會 各位企業夥伴、老朋友們,大家好: 您正在煩腦 當初因勞動力低廉的優勢不再,面臨外資集團搶人與薪資漸漲的雙重挑戰?!全球供應鏈重構之下,搶單、急單、缺單的狀況頻繁,惡性循環之下是時候調整好生產現場的管理體質了!專家建議採用少人化的高效製造管理,透過生產管理透明化, 逐步轉型為 智慧工廠的路徑升級! 鼎新‧鼎捷與許多台商企業一同成長,將以新南向服務平台為已任,引薦優質夥伴服務,為台商企業全方位服務!本次為各位介紹鼎華智能團隊 協助企業透明化管理快速因應,為製造廠建立精實的管理能力!在此邀請您參加10月18日下午2點(越南.泰國GMT+7)/3點(中國.臺灣GMT+8)舉辦的「 工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效 研討會  」,期待盡快為您服務! ✔立即報名→ 鼎新鼎捷 X 鼎華智能 共同敬邀
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Brand News 品牌新聞

鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – ...
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2024 _en


DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, ...
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2024 _en

【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will ...
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2024 _en


You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, ...
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2024 _en

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global ...
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2023 _en

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of ...
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Memupuk Industri
Peneraju Pembuatan Pintar dengan Penyelesaian Lengkap

Dinghua mempunyai lebih daripada 25 tahun pengalaman dalam sistem penjadualan pengeluaran dan pelaksanaan pembuatan. Dengan akar umbi di Taiwan, bertapak di China, dan menjangkau seluruh Asia Pasifik, Dinghua fokus pada pembuatan pintar dan aplikasi Internet of Things industri. Lebih daripada 2000 perusahaan diskrit telah melaksanakan sistem kami, dan lebih daripada 200 pelanggan semikonduktor telah memberikan pengiktirafan, menjadikan Dinghua sebagai pusat demonstrasi pintar di lebih daripada 20 kawasan di seluruh Asia Pasifik.

Penyelesaian Industri Khusus
0 +
Operasi Mampan, Jaminan Pelanggan
0 Tahun
Pusat Khidmat Asia Pasifik, Kesan Kejayaan Hulu dan Hilir
0 +
Semikonduktor, Kerjasama Industri
0 +
Memperhalus Penyelesaian Industri, Memimpin Keperluan Pelanggan
0 +

Memperhalus Penyelesaian Industri, Memimpin Keperluan Pelanggan

Kami mempunyai penyelesaian industri yang lengkap untuk memimpin perusahaan menuju aplikasi pintar dan saling terhubung dengan cepat. Semikonduktor, pemasangan elektronik, pembuatan diskrit.

  Meningkatkan Kualiti Kawalan Proses Secara Komprehensif   ◀

Menghadapi perubahan dalam industri semikonduktor global, China, Korea Selatan, dan Taiwan masih akan menjadi tiga pasaran terbesar untuk peralatan semikonduktor global. Bagaimana perusahaan semikonduktor dapat mengenali kelemahan diri, mengatasi tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang dari dalam dan luar sedini mungkin?

  Penyelesaian Pembuatan Pintar untuk Industri Komputer dan Rangkaian Industri   ◀

Membina tapak pengeluaran yang telus melalui penyelesaian pembuatan pintar; mencadangkan rancangan pengeluaran yang optimum, meningkatkan perancangan pengeluaran perusahaan dan memperkuat kecekapan pengeluaran.

  Penyelesaian untuk Perkakasan Paip, Pengikat, Suntikan Plastik, dan Bahagian Mekanikal   ◀

M memendekkan masa penghantaran pesanan, meningkatkan kecekapan pengeluaran; memperkukuh aplikasi digital industri, meningkatkan daya saing industri; meningkatkan kualiti produk, meningkatkan kecekapan pengeluaran secara menyeluruh; membantu perusahaan terus memperbaiki pelbagai masalah dalam pengurusan pengeluaran dalaman.

Kejayaan Kes

鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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鼎華智能sMES捐贈虎尾科大 全力培育跨領域智慧人才

DigiHua Intelligent Partners with National Formosa University to Nurture Next-Gen Smart Manufacturing Workforce Yunlin – By Tsai Pei-Man DigiHua Intelligent today (1st) gifted a valuable “sMES” system, worth approximately NT$5.8 million, to the Industrial Management Department of National Formosa University in a ceremony held at the university’s VIP Room. The ...
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DigiHua Intelligent, the leading digital transformation partner for two of the world’s largest PCB manufacturers, has nearly three decades of experience in providing smart manufacturing consulting to the PCB and semiconductor industries. This seminar will delve into the strategies and solutions that enable PCB companies to navigate the complexities of ...
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【立即報名】大退休潮下白領缺工缺能, AI+APS為下一個智造轉型的關鍵之鑰

With nearly three decades of experience in supporting smart manufacturing initiatives, DigiHua Intelligent’s seminar will demonstrate how AI+APS can drive continuous improvements in operational performance, boost customer satisfaction, and enable companies to evolve into next-generation smart manufacturers.
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You are cordially invited to attend on October 18th. 【工廠管理透明化助企業降本提效】Webinar Dear Business Partners and Friends, Hello! Are you struggling with the loss of low-cost labor advantages, now facing the combined pressures of talent poaching by multinational corporations and escalating salaries? The global supply chain is undergoing a significant transformation, leading ...
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數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略研討會

數位轉型之下 企業綠色製造佈局策略 Smart and Digital Twin Transformation for a Sustainable, Intelligent Manufacturing CIM Factory. As global competition in manufacturing intensifies, smart manufacturing has emerged as a key strategy for companies striving for data-driven, automated, and intelligent operations. This Advantech Intelligent Systems seminar will delve into how organizations can leverage green manufacturing, ...
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智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表

智造佈局 CIM新大增 半導體光電2024智能化新應用發表 Advantech Intelligent Systems’ 2024 smart application innovations, focusing on the multi-faceted dimensions of smart factories, will collaborate with Tai Yin Information and Intelligent Link Control to forge a new landscape of comprehensive CIM deployment. Since its inception, smart manufacturing has evolved rapidly with advancements in new technologies, progressing ...
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