透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼

透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼

As the global pandemic gradually subsides and lockdowns ease, economies are beginning to recover, and consumer demand is strengthening. The electronics industry was expected to experience a widespread revenue surge. However, material shortages have created a paradoxical situation of full order books yet declining revenue. This large-scale shortage of materials has further driven up prices across the entire industry, and ongoing transportation difficulties continue to disrupt operations, significantly eroding companies’ gross profit margins.

Expert Introduction

DigiHua Intelligent 林柏彥 Director
DigiHua Intelligent 王俞靜 Senior Manager

Event Date/Location


Target Audience

Senior Management, Manufacturing Managers and Staff, Production Control/Planning Managers and Staff, Quality Assurance/Control Managers and Staff, and IT/IS Managers and Staff in the Electronics and Related Industries.

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