如何透過機聯網 縮短生產週期 提高稼動及良率

如何透過機聯網 縮短生產週期 提高稼動及良率

By deeply integrating IT and OT, businesses can discern data insights and opportunities, thereby grasping emerging trends. Data Systems Consulting, in collaboration with OT partners from various specialized fields, is hosting a one-hour online session featuring real-world application case studies. This session will provide insights into novel data applications and connect to an offline workshop where experts will present at the 5G AIoT Experience Base, unveiling the key to smart manufacturing.


Expert Introduction

DigiHua Intelligent 盧詩堯 Senior Consultant

Event Date/Location

【Webinar】2022.08.16 10:00-11:00

Target Audience

Business Owners, Plant Managers, Production Control/Planning Managers and Staff, R&D Managers and Staff, Warehouse/Logistics Managers and Staff, Manufacturing Managers and Staff, Quality Assurance/Control Managers and Staff, Materials Management Managers and Staff, IT/IS Managers and Staff, and those seeking to expand their knowledge.

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