半導體先驅 邁向無人工廠全自動案例分享

半導體先驅 邁向無人工廠全自動案例分享

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy. In contrast, the semiconductor market has experienced a surge in demand driven by 5G, laptops, and automotive electronics, resulting in a widespread supply shortage. The growth in demand significantly outpaces the growth in production capacity, and this structural capacity issue is projected to persist until 2023. In response to the global chip shortage, major foundries are not only actively accelerating capacity expansion but also aiming for unmanned factories.

Establishing a Dominant Lead in All Semiconductor Sectors

Through manufacturing execution control and tight integration of equipment and logistics, highly efficient production response, advanced automation, and fully automated production cycles are realized. This trending wave is not only driving the semiconductor industry to strengthen its technological advantages but also prompting it to adapt to market shifts and overcome capacity utilization challenges. This event features Ms. Gu Huiyu, an industry expert in smart manufacturing, who will share her insights based on over 13 years of experience in semiconductor CIM coordination and fab construction, guiding us to grasp forward-looking strategies and establish a dominant lead across all semiconductor sectors.
Time Agenda
13:00 -13:30
Welcome to the conference!
13:30 -13:40
Opening Remarks by the Organizer/Host
13:40 -14:30
一、 Challenges and Journey of Building Fully Automated Planning in Semiconductor Foundries
Speaker:DigiHua Intelligent 古惠瑜Associate Vice President
14:30 -15:40
二、The Semiconductor Industry Prepares for Capacity Breakthroughs Driven by IOT Speaker:DigiHua Intelligent 連晨宇 Consultant
15:30 -16:00
三、Advanced Automation Logistics for High-End Applications: Smart AMHS Deployment in Semiconductors Speaker:盟立自動化 王傳平 Director | 林泓達 Assistant Manager
16:00 -16:40

Expert Introduction

Semiconductor Industry Expert 古惠瑜

With over 13 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, specializing in system integration planning for various semiconductor manufacturing processes, he/she has held positions at VIS, Powerchip, and Hefei Nexchip, leading CIM teams in fab construction and implementation.

Event Date/Location

2021.08.05 13:30 Webinar

Target Audience

Senior Management, Manufacturing Managers and Staff, Quality Assurance/Control Managers and Staff, and IT/IS Managers and Staff in the Semiconductor and Related Industries.

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