透明化管控需求時點 電子業按需到料、快速達交的關鍵密碼
In today’s competitive market, success hinges on the ability to rapidly dispose of excess inventory. Meeting increasingly shorter and fluctuating customer lead times requires not only transparent and real-time shop floor management and smooth production equipment operation but also addressing complex material substitution scenarios to shorten material calculation time, enable real-time material tracking, and reduce incorrect material preparation. Only through targeted digital tools and management mechanisms can companies maintain composure amidst market competition and seize opportunities.
Expert Introduction
DigiHua Intelligent 林柏彥 Director
Gideon Technology 岳朝賢 General Manager
DigiHua Intelligent 王俞靜 Senior Manager
Event Date/Location
【Taipei】2022.09.22 13:30 M406 Meeting Room, Data Systems Consulting Taipei Headquarters
【Hsinchu】2022.09.28 13:30 2F Darwin Hall, GIS Hsinchu Science Park Convention Center
Target Audience
Senior Management, Manufacturing Managers and Staff, Production Control/Planning Managers and Staff, Quality Assurance/Control Managers and Staff, and IT/IS Managers and Staff in the Electronics and Related Industries.